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Spark Action Floor Game

SKU #IS-040



Ages: 2 and up

Grades: PreK and up

This game features 35 early acquired verbs, each pictured on a jumbo floor card and on a smaller “show it” card. Activity suggestions include seek-and-find matching, motor imitation, verb tense practice, and charades-style gameplay. Verbs such as bend, clap, hands up, peek, march, touch head, and wiggle are included. Two or more players.


Use the SPARK Actions Floor Game to play various games that improve language skills while having fun.


MOVE IT. These picture action cards are a fun way to introduce movements to children. Have the children imitate the action shown on the Spark action card. Get moving by performing the actions in a fun, creative, and exciting way. Children love to move and groove. So, get up and use the SPARK GO Action Cards to practice gross motor movements.


FIND IT. Search and find to match the correct action card.  Spread the large set of action cards all around the room on the floor. (Beginners-face up Advanced-face down) Reserve the second set of smaller cards to show the action to the children. Have them go and find the action card that is being shown to them. For extra fun, have them perform the action.


LEARN IT. Children can struggle with learning verbs, especially irregular past tense verbs. Use the action cards to teach action words. Some children struggle with identifying the actions only from a picture. Model the action for children as an extra visual prompt to help with the learning process. Have children formulate a sentence for the picture card to practice using verbs in sentences and proper sentence structure.


MATCH IT. Shuffle cards and place face side down on a flat surface. Players take turns selecting and turning 2 cards over on each turn. If they are the same and ‘match,’ the player keeps the set of cards. If they do not match, the cards are turned over and the next player takes a turn. The player with the most card sets at the end of the game is the winner.


ACT IT. Children love acting and playing charades. Have your child select an action card without showing it to the other players. Have them act out the action while the other children take turns guessing the correct action


IMPROVE-IT– Improve and build skills like:

~Balance and coordination

~Flexibility and spatial orientation

~Turn taking and roleplaying

~ Language skills and vocabulary

~ Following directions

~ Confidence and imagination

Includes: 35 jumbo action cards, 35 small action cards, activity guide

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